Music-therapy and Counselling Liège - Boncelles

Certified music therapist / accredited trainer, official collaborator of the Faculty of Medicine, the Interdisciplinary Center for Algology at the University Hospital of Liège, and the Sensation & Perception Research Group, GIGA Consciousness at the University of Liège.

Music Therapy and Counselling Liège Boncelles welcomes you

Pioneer of music therapy in Belgium, I was not initially destined for it. An episode affecting my family in the late 1980s directed me towards this avant-garde therapeutic approach.

I resumed studies in various fields and became a music therapist. After years of practice, in the late 1990s, I was hired as a trainer in Belgium and France.

A few years later, I joined the teams of Professor Faymonville and Professor Vanhaudenhuyse and collaborated on several projects for the Interdisciplinary Center for Algology at the University Hospital of Liège and the Sensation & Perception Research Group, GIGA Consciousness at the University of Liège.

In the early 2010s, I created a music therapy training program through HEPL at Forma+. This two-year training program is now accredited by ARES.

Throughout my career, I developed a specific technique and composed music for musical hypnosedation, which is used in several European countries.

Alain Collinet
Alain Collinet

Academic Practices

Member of the associations FFM - BAMT - EMTC


Picture of a green landscape

Listen to the slash music used by the University Hospital of Liège Interdisciplinary Algology Center.

The music therapist is a healthcare professional!

The therapeutic forms offered are in complete alignment with the ecology of the time.

©Alain Collinet 2024